Saturday, November 5, 2011



有人说一次告别, 天上就有颗星有熄灭..犹记得十六个月前, 我们还是不打相识, 就连见面都不想多说一句, 甚至连发生了什么是都不那么在乎。到了今天, 我们无所不谈, 毫无掩饰地谈心, 欢乐总是围绕着大家, 昔日的陌生已经被熟悉淹没, 之间的那一堵围墙也早已拆穿, 剩下的就只是一颗赤裸裸的心, 去联系我们所有人的心。这就是所谓的友谊, 友情或朋友。认识了你们, 我才明白友谊不是一朝一夕, 一言一语就能够建立起来的, 而是需要真心地去付出, 因为只有真诚的心才能冲破那一颗防备之心, 踏入友谊的世界里。

时光荏苒, 这已经是我第三次毕业了。说真的, 前两次的毕业对我来说还不只是一个简单的仪式, 是校方让学生好聚好散的一个结业典礼, 其意义更是不能体现。这第三次的毕业却给了我与昔日不同的感觉, 我一直在寻找那一种感觉的根源。是我不能再穿着校服, 一如往常地去上课吗? 不是。是我不能再继续学取知识吗? 也不全是。是我不能再享用食堂的食物了吗? 也还好。然而, 最不舍得的是我的朋友, 原来一直缠绕于我心环的是你们。这也许就是自然中的自然吧。因为那一份友谊, 那一份相信, 那一份真诚, 才让此时此刻得我们如此般地牵肠挂肚。我曾一度怀疑自己是否应该上中六, 谢谢你们让我知道我没做错决定。 认识了你们, 我从不后悔。

我猜我到死的那一天都不能忘了你们每一个人的一举一动, 尤其与你们一起乐融融, 伤忧忧的日子。太棒了, 这一切都太完美了, 时间快得让我们很难过, 一天一天的逝去, 却是我们友情一步一步地牢固。这句话很幼稚但我我必须说, 如果时光能倒流..我太在乎你们了。我觉得我们的点点滴滴还是刚开始, 我看不到终点, 我真的看不到, 但我们还是要走了, 有过泪, 有过错, 有过你们, 还要走, 还有你们。

我给你们制作了一个属于我们的记忆片 - 我们的故事。放心, 一定会由我亲自交给你们的

谢谢你们, 让我拥有了一切。

就像歌曲里诉说的一样, 朋友一生一起走,那些日子不再有。我却深信我们是朋友一生一起走,哪怕是分离与离别, 我们还是..要一起走。

Sunday, August 28, 2011



其实我最佩服的不是周杰伦的咬字不清, 而是他与他的伙伴 - 方文山, 共同创造了一种美。那是一种以主题, 空间感和画面性的词, 优悦独美的曲调, 我们才有一首首那么美的歌。其实我们要赏的不是他的词有多么的难, 而是要知道原来华文可以亦忧亦优。现代形容心情的方式通俗的都是一些什么愤怒,开心,悲愤, 感伤,对于我来说这些都是单调。而像李煜的虞美人里的一句问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流,一愁可以概括所有的情绪,这是无法取代的。








Saturday, July 23, 2011

十一种味道 :)

我知道你和我, 就像是豆浆油条, 要一起吃下去才会是最好。 没错, 我们最终都能卸下重任, 但我深信没有一位编委是舍得这一份情感的。 这一份情感得来不易, 不是一两句话就能叙说的, 一切就埋在编委们的心中, 成为毕生最美好的回忆。我想在这里跟每一位编委致上我最真诚的感激, 感谢你们给了我一个那么好的中六生涯, 它不是一张普通的白纸, 它是一张拥有你们笔迹, 刻着我们走过的每一步。由昔日的陌生的到今日的熟悉, 那一种味道..一点都不单调。

首先我先要谢谢我们的小椰子 - 郑韵婷。 她是一个非常坚强的主编, 容忍度更是一流。我在想如果是我当主编话, 早就把这班编委给斩了, 哈哈哈哈哈! 开玩笑罢了, 我知道她肩头上的压力从来没轻过, 更佩服她细心的办事能力。 感恩!

她的笑声, 永远是那么的有渲染力, 让你听了都想跟着一起笑个不停!非常难相信我们在这之前并不是那么的想跟对方多聊一句, 然而现在的我们只要看到对方, 就一定要笑个够本!我的最佳好笑档!感恩!

这位是我的老朋友, 老萧。虽然我们俩在一开始时并没有为这一本文集出过一份力, 想跟各位说声抱歉。这位老兄在推介礼做得非常好, 一切事情有他去安排, 我们才会有一个那么顺利的推介礼。 感恩!

这位是帅到到到到'X'酱的美编, 哈哈哈哈哈!还是别得罪他好了。没了他, 我也不能在这里乱写一番因为食话食说里的一切设计都是由他亲手操刀, 谢谢你让我们的回忆拥有一个美丽的始解!

这个女孩是出了名的睡美人。眼睛小小但电力一点都不小,有时我也被 sot 到,哈哈哈哈哈哈! 她是我的谈心伙伴, 我们无所不谈, 谈都三更半夜都还在谈, 谈到断气都还要谈, 到了天堂还不愿意不谈, 哈哈哈哈! 珍惜!

这位长得猫又不像, 人又不像的半猫人也是我的老朋友!她厉害的地方可多了, 尤其是画的漫画可以让你看到流口水(睡着了) 哈哈哈哈, 开玩笑的啦, 她把我们都画得非常棒! 尤其是我!(SS) :D

这一位是龙记, 号鸡摸摸, 别想歪..纯粹是他的花名罢了。这位仁兄的棋艺可以说是..真的..很..非常..不同?像得美..是普通! 哈哈哈哈, 希望你可以想郑成功那样成功去圆一个梦!

出奇的文静, 拿来形容她就最为不过了, 对她还蛮陌生两下的, 她跟viva永远离不开, 可能是因为她的名字和那辆车有几分相似吧..不过一定不会忘了她的经典对白! 再来过!

除了酷还是酷, 要嘛就不出声, 出了声都让你一针见血, 哈哈哈哈. 非常有天分的钢琴老师, 光是看她写乐谱都觉得她不得了了, 希望你继续加油, 成为贝多芬的后代, 背多分!

呱! 呱! 呱! 我要去交水费! 有着别人没有的小酒窝, 也有着一个非常油腻的身体, 让你看到都饱了.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fast five!

Have you watch this MOVIE OF THE CENTURY yet? if it's a no for you then you better get yourself some free time to go into the cinema and watch fast five! The Fast and The Furious is a action film about illegal street racing in Los Angeles, California that dominated by exotic cars. The fifth series of the Fast and the Furious movie, Fast Five, is ready to debut this summer, unleashing another round of 'nos'-fed hilarity. In anticipation of the promised vehicular mayhem, they guys at Inside Line caught up with Dennis McCarthy, the man behind the stable of hot rods featured in the movie. I love all the moments of the movie!

There is the 22 Fast Five cars list:

1. 1963 Ford Galaxy
2. 1966 Ford GT40
3. 1965 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport
4. 1967 International Scout
5. 1970 Charger
6. 1970 Ford Maverick
7. 1972 Nissan Skyline
8. 1972 Pantera Detomaso
9. 1996 Toyota Supra
10. 2007 Porsche GT3 RS
11. 2006 GMC 2500 Yukon
12. Nissan GT-R ( The car at the end of Fast Five Movie)
13. 2010 Dodge Challenger ( The car at the end of Fast Five Movie)
14. 2010 Subaru STi
15. 2010 Lexus LFA
16. 2010 Dodge Chargers SRT
17. 2011 Dodge Charger Police Interceptor
18. Gurkha LAPV
19. Ducati Street Racer (Bike)
20. Train Heist Truck
21. Honda NSX
22. Koenigsegg CCX

Dom Toretto 1970 Dodge - the famous car in series of fast and furious.

Koenigsegg CCX - though this is the 2008 version koenigsegg but the slide door kills! Credits to Meiying the CCX lover. Check out the new version of koenigsegg, CCR.

4guys run with this dodge charger for a million bet race. One of the climax of the movie where dom send his best gift to his nephew for letting O'conner won in the race.

Ducati Street Racer - Gisele the hot chick! you'll know why if you watch the movie.

Dom and Elena, the end.

Monday, May 2, 2011


This is the the kpop star [Rain] it's the real rain, in droplets by the god of rain.

Guess what, I wrote this article because I can't get my ass out to the field and play my football, how boring *yawn* Credits to god of rain for the inspiration. I guess he's hinting me to update my blog.

Forget about it. Hey! what do you do when it's raining? Majority of the peeps love to sleep when it's raining, I guess it's the natural music produce by the droplets of rain when it hits the ground softly, it can bring someone into sleep naturally, don't tell me you never try before unless you're some insane freak who don't sleep.

As for me, it is okay if the god of rain don't pee around 5-7pm because the moment is paramount to me! I have to get out to the field and get my sweats out of my body. HAHA! it is a natural phenomena, no one can stop it or deny it. Sigh, just face the fact and let's sleep!

Good night! OH YEAH!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Now Imma be the MrHappy! i mean for a while, tee hee.
be right back, MrP :)

Oh Yes oh yes oh yes, I'm done with my muet! I think only DOOZY can describe the current me now!

Speaking test -

Reading test - 45 insane questions and guess what? I got insufficient time for this part, It was a embarrassment for me :( but still I managed to finish it in time and I think.. I said I think, I can score from this part. GBM! God bless me!

Writing test - This was the best among the 4! Probably i said this because I can write the essay on with some bombastic words :) The most valuable thing in life is friendship, exactly.

Listening test - I was disturbed by the god damn spinning fan and I can't listen clearly to the speaker. This part considerate to be a piece of cake for me but who knows, end up with some shit answers. Sigh, just forget about it. Unlucky descent on me in this part :(

I bet part of the candidates gonna stop learning english since they finish their so call muet but he/she is definitely not me. If you learn to circle the answer, I recommend you go to the painting classes, perhaps you can learn HOW to draw a circle perfectly there :) no offense peeps!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Legend of the pig :)

a lovely breakfast made my day! and and and, I got a new name for myself ' legend of the pig ' sounds hilarious but adorable! I like it :) Know why? let me tell you a secret. *shh* told you it was a secret, so pick up your ears and listen carefully. I can sleep up to 18hours in a day, that's my best record though, never think to break my record unless you desperate for a coffin. lol! just kidding. Seriously I'm not lying, I enjoy the sleep, especially the moment when you woke up from the sweetest dream and you know the feeling is like, Doozy! Action speak louder than words! it's better to actually do something than just talking about it. Take a hammer and whack off your desktop or lappy now, eh sorry, i mean shut it down. After that, go to you bed and dream of your love one. Don't say thank you, thanks god that he bestow human this instinct, I call it humanity hibernation.
Nights :)

Hang it on your door so you can do your hibernation.

Oh no Japan! please don't let the extinction happen on my UNAGIS!

Can you imagine the world without this piece of delicacy? no I can't.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sushi King Bonanza!

Peeps! it's bonanza event from 11-14. Get your ass inside and grab some salmons!

There's rumors around, don't take japanese food as in it might contains radiation from the nuclear plant. Yeah eat my shit man, can you imagine how great it is? when the moment you place the UNAGI into your mouth, heaven? paradise? No, better than a best i can say.

God bless Japan, I still want my unagis! 祈り [ inodi ]
人生有多少个十年, 最重要是[吃]得痛快! By Weili Ng :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Muet oh muet

This is what i did in my speaking test, Lmao.

Happy to say that I've finished my muet [speaking test]
Sad to tell that I did a totally shit in the test :(

Sigh, You'll never know until you get into the SO COLD room. Don't overestimate the ability of yourself, if you can speak fluently in your daily life, You'll still face a tremendous problem when you're inside the room. As for me, I can speak fluently but i can't focus on the point which I should elaborate on it to get my marks. Undoubtedly, I did practice for a tons of time before I came to this speaking test. In fact, I did well all the time in my practice session. Ironically, I can't even speak in a proper way this morning. Someone told me it is a natural phenomena when you're facing a thing that you're not used to, and yeah it's perfectly true. Besides, avoid using bombastic words though it will gives you some credits because the examiners don't really understand what I'm trying to tell when I said the word ' deterioration ' LOL for her.

May God bless all the candidates for tomorrow, Good luck for the test!
If you think you're ready, think again and you'll found out you're not ready yet.

Night worlds.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The mrP is back!

Hey there peeps! Guess what, The P is back with his hilarious jokes :D
Ready to get lmao and rofl! I mean it.
I'll try my best to update everyday, if and only I'm free, hahahahah. No worries! I said i'll try my best then I will.

Stay tune for the coming soon :)

damn, i look like angry bird. I like it! *facebook like* click please :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I said I'll watch the sparks that you love so much.

We'll watch it together one day, side to side :)