Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I hate myself , 我恨我自己

First of all, I need to apologise to everyone who my mouth and my words offended you before.

首先, 我要向所有人至上我最诚恳的道歉 假如我的言语上得罪了你 我在此跟你说对不起

As I know, I find out that a lot people dislike me. I can't constraint their HATES on me, that's what my personality made all these out. I'm very sorry, I'm very very very sorry. I know my mouth is cruel and malicious, I'm very sure that I've displease everyone ever and before. I'm not hoping for your forgiveness because you'll never meet me again.

据我所知, 我知道很多人不喜欢我, 我不可以约束他们, 因为这些都是我的人格自找的, 我真的真的很抱歉, 对不起. 我知道我的言语恶毒及残忍的 我非常确定我得罪了很多人. 我不会希望得到你的饶恕, 因为我们不会再见面了, 你也再也不会听到我这可恶的声音.

In the deep moon night, I can't even close me eyes. The image of I attacked people is in my mind. I knew it might bring fun for myself or someone, but I know someone is definitely hurted. Another one of my personality,"霸道" Overbearing. I'm always that high-handed. I knew this is really annoying and A VERY BIG SORRY to everyone.

在深夜里, 我根本不可以把眼睛闭上, 脑里全是一些我在用言语攻击别人的画面, 我知道会为自己带来欢乐, 但有一个人一定会受到心灵上的创伤. 我的另外一个人格, 霸道, 我知道那是很反感的, 我真的很抱歉.
You'll never meet me again, You'll never hear my malicious voice again, You'll never be annoyed anymore by my personality, I'm sorry.

你不会再见到我了, 你不会再听到我那"约束">的声音, 你不会再对我的人格产生反感.


Good bye, my friends.
永别了, 朋友们.

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