Sunday, August 1, 2010

Significance of love

It is very easy to like someone, just like how you eat a Mcdonald's GCB. To like someone, you just have to express your feeling throughout a lot of ways, facebook? twitter? blog? or even a single sms? You can like how many person as you like at the same time. There is no any laws written that you cannot like more than a people.When you like someone, you like the feeling when you see him/her, you feel like you can sacrifice anything for that person.You don't need be responsible to like someone but not loving someone. Like then go for him/her, dislike then hiiii-byeee. Dumb enough? Why am I offending the man in the mirror! On the other hand,it is a handicap to love someone, just like you can't sleep through the night with tears. I believe all of you had suffer for the long night, no one can run away from this unless you're a insane but you're not. Love someone is you need to understand, comprehend, forgive, inclusive, grasp, comfort, console, communicate and others. Like comes easier than love because you just have to like that person without caring and worrying him. To love someone, you need to like or even love his or her defect. Indeed, love do hurts and it is a miracle to cure wounds too. Sounds sarcastic right, sometime I will ask the couple who are really sweet enough to get the diabetes about do they believe in eternal, the answer i got from them is surely a big yes. No doubt, love is a drug that make you fall and addicted to it. To get rid of it, there's only one way, that is I don't know. I heard that you've hurt by someone right? So do I.

If loving someone is too pain, Sorry, I love to feel the pain.

I wanted to tell you this so badly.

I opened my wallet and I find it empty, reached into my pocket and found a few coins, searched my heart and I found you!

Then I realized how rich I am.